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 763 Parma Way, Los Altos, CA 94024

(650) 947-7755

Criterion Network Services, Inc. was founded by a group of professionals who have experienced first hand the benefits of connectivity on the productivity for employees. Years of experience in implementation and installation of network systems and operating environments gives Criterion the background and skill set to provide its customers with a single source for all their networking requirements from design to maintenance.

Criterion is the complete network solution.

Our engineers are trained with the following technologies:

Criterion can provide engineers with expertise ranging from help desk support to Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE) or Novell Certified Network Engineers (CNEs). As highly regarded professionals in their field, our employees maintain the level of professionalism and excellence demanded and set by our company and yours.

By outsourcing to Criterion, you will partner with experts who can deliver comprehensive solutions which address your most common and pressing management challenges, including:

Criterion helps its customers by providing the experienced professionals necessary to successfully design, build, maintain, and continuously improve their business through technology.